Recovering from Cheek Implant Surgery

Cheek Augmentation Recovery

After Your Cheek Implant Surgery

Recovering from cheek augmentation surgery - after you get your cheek implants

After your cheek augmentation surgery, you will need to have someone drive you home. You plastic surgeon's office should give you detailed instructions on what to do after surgery.

While recovering from cheek surgery is quick compared to other types of facial cosmetic surgery procedures, there will be some restrictions on your activities for a short period after your surgery. Normally, most bruising and swelling should be better in a few days.

If the cheek implants were placed using an incision in your mouth, there will probably be restrictions on the types of foods that you can eat. Soft foods, such as Jell-o or pudding may be recommended. You may also be instructed to drink meal-replacement shakes for a few days so you can meet your nutritional requirements without the need to chew.

Stitches that are placed in the mouth are often the dissolving kind, which will dissolve in ten days to two weeks. Non-dissolving sutures will have to be removed during one of your follow-up visits to your plastic surgeon.

Your "cheek augmentation recovery zone"

Since you will be limiting your activity for the first couple of days after your surgery, it's a good idea to set up a recovery area before you leave for your surgery. Some suggested items to have near where you'll be resting are:

  • Ice packs or cold packs. We know some people who recommend frozen peas in a freezer bag, too. They stay cold a long time, don't leak when they melt, and conform to the shape of your face.
  • Any medications that your plastic surgeon recommends, including pain medications, mouth rinses, ointments or salves.
  • Gauze rolls to absorb any discharge or bleeding.
  • Pillows.
  • Soft foods (see above)
  • A thermometer, so you can take your temperature if you suspect a fever.
  • A telephone with a list of your doctor's contact numbers nearby or in speed-dial. (Note: If you program the numbers into your speed dial, test them! You don't want to call the wrong number during an emergency.)

Possible complications and adverse reactions

While you can expect to have some discomfort after your surgery, there are some things that warrant a telephone call to your doctor. Among them:

  • Abnormal pain
  • Unusual swelling, including sudden puffiness. (Normal swelling will subside in a few days after your cheek augmentation surgery.)
  • Severe or prolonged bleeding
  • Abnormal, milky or pus-like discharge
  • Shifting of an implant
  • Fever over 100 degrees, which can signal infection

Returning to work and resuming normal activity

Most people are ready to resume a normal schedule after a few days. You will need to take care, however, to avoid any activity which might cause an impact to your face for three or four weeks. Contact sports, games played with a ball, or activities requiring a helmet or chin-strap should be avoided.


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