Blepharoplasty Consultation Checklist

Handy Checklist to Take on Your Blepharoplasty Consultation

The consultations that you have before your blepharoplasty will provide you with valuable information about your plastic surgeon and will provide your plastic surgeon with valuable information about you. That's why it pays to be prepared for the consultation. To help you, we have created a four-page checklist that you can print out and take to your appointment.

FaceForum's Blepharoplasty Checklist provides you with things to ask your plastic surgeon when you have your blepharoplasty consultation.  The blepharoplasty consultation is a time when you can set your expectations and share them with your plastic surgeon. Be prepared to ask questions and take plenty of notes so that you will have them for later reference.

The checklist is in Adobe Acrobat format for consistent printing no matter what kind of computer you use.  Click the link below to download the FaceForum Blepharoplasty Checklist.

FaceForum Blepharoplasty Checklist
blepharoplasty_checklist.pdf - 55 K

If you have any suggestions for us on how we can improve the blepharoplasty consultation checklist, please send a message to [email protected].


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