Recovering from the Dermal Filler Procedure

Recovering from Your Dermal Filler Procedure

What to Expect After the Dermal Filler Session

Recovery from Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers provide instantaneous results. Dermal fillers take minutes to inject and have few signs of any visible markings. In some instances there may be temporary redness and swelling at the injection site. Additionally, there may be some bruising which is common with any type of injection. However, these side effects are rarely extreme.

With the majority of patients, the procedure can be done in a 30 minute visit to a surgeon’s office. You should look and feel fine upon leaving.

Please note when fat is used as the dermal filler, the session may be longer. This procedure is more extensive than that for other facial fillers. It involves a liposuction technique to extract the fat that will ultimately be used as a filler. Additionally, the side effects may persist for a few weeks.


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