Returning to Work/Normal Activity After Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty Recovery - Resuming Normal Activity

After you are home for a few days, you should be comfortable watching television or reading.  If you require corrective lenses, you will need to have eyeglasses handy, since you won't be able to wear contact lenses for a few weeks after your blepharoplasty. (Unfortunately, after several weeks of not wearing contacts, you will have to get used to them all over again.)

Most people are told to keep their activity level to a minimum for three to five days after surgery.  In order to keep your blood pressure down, you should avoid strenuous activities for three weeks to one month.  This includes heavy lifting, bending and participating in sports activities.  Also to be avoided are things that cause fluid retention, such as high-fat, salty foods, and drinking alcohol.  Don't avoid drinking water though! Proper fluid intake is important to your health and healing.


Going out in public after your blepharoplasty

Most people who have had blepharoplasty feel comfortable to go out in public after a week or two.  Based on an informal survey done by FaceForum, it seems that the average is about ten days.  This is also the standard time frame in which people return to work.

Your doctor's office may provide you with instructions on how you can hide whatever bruising remains.  Camouflage cosmetics is the term used to describe the products and techniques used to cover any bruising and scarring.  These products are often available from your plastic surgeon's office.  Camouflage cosmetic products are also available many places where makeup is sold.  You may also be able to use your existing makeup products to hide the fact that you had surgery. Just make sure you check with your plastic surgeon to ensure that your products won't cause an adverse reaction.

Many people find that they have additional light sensitivity after blepharoplasty. If you do, you may want to wear sunglasses whenever you are in the presence of bright light.  Hint: Wear your sunglasses for several weeks before you have surgery.  That way, when you're wearing shades after your blepharoplasty, it won't seem too out of character.  You may also be given a sunscreen to put on your eyelids to help protect them.


Ongoing healing after blepharoplasty

Healing after surgery takes time. Your scars will eventually fade and become nearly invisible. Until that happens, you can expect that the scars will be pinkish. The pinkness can persist for a half year or so. That's why the sunscreen is important.  The sun can make scars appear more prominent, so protecting them from the sun is essential.


How long does blepharoplasty last?

For many blepharoplasty patients, the results are permanent.  For others, the effects last many years. We are attempting to get a better answer through surveys of our visitors who are having a repeat blepharoplasty procedure, but at the present time we don't have a more definitive answer.


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